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Jubilee Garden
A celebration and commemoration of The Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022.
Two plain grass verges have been transformed into a beautiful garden with planting chosen especially to celebrate the royal occasion and trees which contribute to the Queen's Green Canopy project.
The colour scheme was inspired by the Platinum Jubilee logo. Purple for its royal associations; silver-grey representing platinum with the addition of some gold.
The design has been kept deliberately simple due to the narrowness of the garden area but creates interest all year round by the varied but cohesive planting. The scheme gives shape and colour throughout the seasons. Evergreen shrubs at the entrance to the road give permanent greenery and have a variety of winter and summer flowers and berries. Seven types of ornamental grass provide movement and texture; the perennials selected for their variety of flower shapes and colour. The grasses and flower stems with their seed-heads will give fabulous winter structure and the plant combinations are repeated along the length to allow the garden to flow visually. Bulbs in the grass around the trees will herald the start of the year. The ornamental trees have been selected for their spring flowers, autumn leaf colour, winter berries and compact size.
A ribbon effect is created by timber posts set at different heights, starting in the flower borders and finishing in the grass areas at a low height. These ‘ribbons’ have been inspired by the Jubilee logo and play an additional role as physical barriers for car parking on the grassed areas.
Wildlife has been an important consideration. Birds will enjoy berries and seed-heads during colder months, pollinators taking advantage of the long flowering seasons and a multitude of wildlife will be drawn to the mass planting.